Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Is it time to vent yet?

I love my life. I love my God, my friends, my family; everything. Sometimes life is rolling along so smoothly, I can't help but just thank God every single second for all that He gives me. Now I have come across a few problems in the church these past couple of weeks. My high school youth group is small, very small. We are about 7 kids, give or take. Luckily, we are so blessed to have two of the best humans I've ever come across in my entire 16 years of living, who lead our group. I'm about to vent, so if you don't want to read this, then go back to facebook or something. I feel no hypocrasy whatsoever by venting on here, because for those of you who know me, I think its pathetic to vent all your drama over myspace. Sorry kids. Anyway, I'll justify my venting simply by saying this:
A. I don't care who reads this because as far as I know there are only two of you, thank you John and Kaitlin
B. Myspace, in my opinon, is full of emotionally, irrational, kids who don't know how to handle issues in their lives so they make a bulletin about or make an "fml" status. (I'm not hating, rather, observing)
C. These are my thoughts. I'm allowed to state my own opinions on life, afterall, this IS my blog....

Back to what I was saying before, my youth leaders are the one, the only, Chad and Diana. And one of the things I respect about them the most is that they invest an incredible amount of time into our lives. By incredible I mean, INCREDIBLE. We have youth three times a week, not to mention our outings which occur more than once a week on a regular, sporadic, schedule. They open up they're house for bible studies, which are free to all HIGH SCHOOLERS. Okay, we'll pause right there for a sec, because this leads to problem numero uno.
I want to say it was about three weeks ago that this whole thing started. A random guy who came from, oh I don't know, a reservation? Sure, let's go with that. Anyway, he sits in on our sunday morning high school class one sunday, and begins to tell his testimony. I won't be ashamed to tell you that all 7 or 8 of us kids were weirded out the second he got up there. He begins his "testimony" by saying something about how he used to do drugs and party, and all "that bad stuff". He spoke as if it was so long ago....Forgive me, but MONTHS ago wasn't so long ago...He also mentioned to us that he just got out of prison.........PRISON. I have to tell you, I had a strange vibe from the get-go, but once he mentioned prison, my weird-o senses were tingling and I was thinking, "Okay, someone needs to get him out of" Another thing that freaked me and everyone else out was that he said, "I'm not here to replace Chad and Diana, or anything." What? Dude. No one ever mentioned anything to you about replacing them. YOU put that thought in OUR heads. Sorry, but I'd rather have two non-convicted people to be my example. The last thing that gaaaah makes me very irretated was when he said he was just there to "help out"...this was right after he explained to us that he works with the nastiest kids in the valley who do everything bad....sounded kinda like a rehab thing to me....
I thought he'd go away so I didn't take it too personal, but he showed up the next sunday. Then the following wednesday, then sunday again. And this time he gave his unwanted opinion to my very good friend, Autumn, while he was spying on our conversation about two or three rows behind us....creep-aaaaay. But that wasn't the end of it. That night we had After-glow at Chad and Diana's and HE came. I made an effort to avoid him. Bleck. Just thinking about him makes me uncomfortable, sorry. This was last sunday. And now its wednesday. And yesterday I cracked and told my parents how I felt about this guy and then I found out more things about him that he took one of the Jr highers home from the After-glow...alone. What can you expect from an ex-conny?
Time for youth, more to come.



Josh Tate said...


I haven't been around your blog for a while. I really enjoyed reading your last few posts. Good stuff.


ray-chill said...

Glad you enjoyed, thanks for stopping by! :)
