Hebrews 12:12-25/ Genesis 4:8
- God desires/ longs to have a lasting relationship with His people; It is the reason we were created
- God was supposed to be the only one to determine right from wrong, but the 6,000 years that the world has existed, has proven to us God's wisdom.
- Its proven because we, as people, took the knowledge of knowing right from wrong, and have taken advantage of it.
- We have made our own determination of what right and wrong it, that is why there is so much corruption on this planet.
- The first murder, (Cain and Abel), was over religion
- We need to insist on God's terms, not our own
- Religion will never be a subtitute for a relationship with God
- The blood of Abel:
- Cries out to the human race of humanity
- Is the distance of relationship with God
- Cries out about the depravity of the light of God
- Desperation for the need of God
- Only Jesus Christ can cure our hearts
- We are DESPERATELY wicked and decietful. (I looked up the word "desperate", and found the definition of, "leaving little or no hope; very serious or dangerous." Being desperate means that we reach a point in our hearts where nothing can save us...except that of Christ Jesus. Being desperate, we NEED Jesus.
- Blood of Christ:
- can reach farther than sin can take us away from God
- cleanses us, and forgiveness is born
- restores us and adopts us into His family