Thursday, February 25, 2010

I Have Devised a Plan...

Okay, as some of you know, there have been some pretty sketchy situations going on, none of which my friends or I could control. And the past week and a half has been filled with a mixture of confusion, stress, questions, headaches, and unfortunately, worry. I won't get into it, for fear something else might erupt.

When God puts obstacles and issues in my life, which are only to test me and draw me closer to His will, I tend to over-think everything. During these times, I try my ever-most hardest to draw myself out of circumstances and out of my wants, and listen to God with an open ear, to hear what He wants and needs from me. Recently in my discipleship group, we read some passages on God's will. Matthew 6 is an awesome example of this. Jesus' prayer to God calls for God's will to be done. And I won't deny it, sometimes when I'm struggling, I look to myself. It kind of goes along the lines of, "Okay Rachel, what do you do now?" Even though most times my answer is "Okay God, what do I do now?” I tend to go my own way to try and fix things myself. And this is where I go absolutely, utterly, and hopelessly wrong.

Jesus prayed for God's will to be done, not his own. Even though He is one with God, Jesus still called for God's will, leaving us this perfect example. That I, Rachel Barr, as a human and sinner, need to look to God for all things in my life. I just can't thank Him enough for putting these occurrences in my life, along with a step by step, 1-2-3, ABC, guide to all sticky situations I may encounter, the Bible. And I know that He'll get me through every good time and every bad time that comes my way by just trusting in His will.

I have a huge issue with worrying about other people's lives. And that's a sin. Sure, God want us, as Christians, to care for others, but not to worry. This is because, in the end, we are all accountable for our own actions and thoughts. Sometimes I look at other's lives and begin question things like why they get away with what they get away with, or why they seem to be living a great life, even though they don't seem to be following God's laws. So I have contemplated a list for myself, as my own person, of what God would like my life to look like, and how I'm going to use it to be a reflection of Him. The list isn't finished, yet. I'm going to work on it over the next couple of days. And I will keep Jesus in all deliberation, because even though this list is for me, it's not about me.

More to come,



Anonymous said...

Rachel i can't say enough about you. I know you don't want me to give you any credit for anything but your faith is incredible. This makes me feel so small and God so big which is what it's supppse to be. I have a lot to learn and grow and mature in and ask that you keep praying for that for me. You are really truely becoming a women of God and thats what i want and need in a women in my future life.

ray-chill said...

Awesome! I'll keep praying and hope God brings the right one to you!
